7 Ethics Makes Facebook Pleasant
jakarta - some time then appear man cases kills the wife because the wife changes status at facebook be single. case other, although not as extreme as that, can appear any time just because site jejaring a kind of facebook. then how minimize this matter happen? several 'ethics's facebook that quoted detikinet from msnbc next may be good for you.
1. your connection status is decision with pair
don't ever mengubah-ubah your connection status is otherwise is provided agreement with between you and pair. many bad cases happens somebody consequence changes the status unilaterally. don't forget, your friends or your pair friend can detect this matter swiftly.
2. pal up with friend from your friend even also there the ethics
when want to pal up with your friend friend at facebook, don't forget your friend existence here personates 'liaison. say of whom you detect their profile. you not want
suspected as sales not?
3. prepare when pal up with somebody ever make a date with you
before you do it, better you ready way of thinking formerly. several status whom he write possible make you are jealous. wanted maturity to do this matter. but if you don't take dizzy, do.
4. don't inundate profile with photo, video, and comment related to fail it your connection
that thing likely not suitable done at facebook. if you want to ask sympathy, your friend telephone, don't ask to ones at illusion world, even less at facebook that accessinged many people. you even can be embarrassinged.
5. don't curhat and open secret at facebook
if you want curhat and of a kind it, better you don't do it at
facebook. use e-mail, telephone or is doing moment is messing your friend is for example. still many facilities other not? you sure doesn't want your secret is letted loose by one who irresponsible.
6. recognize difference between wall and message
a statement that concern your individual connection best there is no need to too mengekspos. sentence likes" i am luv u soo much baaabyy. . i am can't wait too see 2neit" , may be more will fit if written at message.
7. don't occasionally make faked profile
may be rushed by at your brain to has made faked account former darling that hurt you. then, you posting bad matters about it. of course, don't ever genuinely do this matter. if your action is found out, ones even can give negative seal in you.
the kernel don't umbar many informations about your self even less has individual. you not ever will know everything that can happen to in front of it. remember, illusion world although permanent fun full of risk and also wicked ones.